Course curriculum

    1. Phase 8 Workouts

    1. Hammer Bicep Curl

    2. Plank Jack

    3. Toe Touch

    4. Bent over small barbell row

    5. Bird Dog

    6. DB Bicep Curl

    7. DB Single Arm Bent over Row

    8. DB Standing Back Fly

    1. DB Tri Kickback

    2. Incline Pushup

    3. Overhead Tricep Ext

    4. Cable or Band Tri extension

    5. DB Bench Press

    6. DB Flat bench chest fly

    1. Glute bridge with hip abduction

    2. Stool deficit deadlift

    3. Stool deficit squat

    4. Alternating curtsey lunge

    5. Banded squat with hip abduction

    6. Banded squat

    7. Glute bridge single leg abduction

    1. DB Arnold Shoulder Press

    2. DB Neutral Press

    3. DB Upright row

    4. Front Raise

    5. Shoulder Tap

    6. Y Press

    7. 90 degree Lateral Raise

    8. Cross Body Mountain Climber

    9. Crunch

About this course

  • $11.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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